• woensdag 16 October 2024
  • Het laatste nieuws uit Suriname

Historische aanvallen op Amerikaanse presidenten en kandidaten -Door Ninian Carter

| dagblad suriname | Door: Redactie

16 september 2024 – De Amerikaanse politieke geschiedenis is doorspekt met incidenten van moordpogingen op presidenten of kandidaten voor een ambt, soms met succes.

De vermeende moordpogingen op voormalig president Donald Trump in juli en september 2024 zijn slechts de meest recente daden van politiek geweld die de Amerikaanse geschiedenis hebben gevormd:

Sep 2024: Donald TrumpWest Palm Beach, FloridaRyan Routh lays in wait to shoot Trump but is spotted by Secret Service and apprehended.

Jul 2024: Donald TrumpButler, PennsylvaniaThomas Crooks shoots Trump in ear at rally, before being killed by Secret Service.

Jun 2016: Donald TrumpLas Vegas, NevadaMichael Sandford tries to grab gun from

police officer and kill Trump at rally.

Mar 1981: Ronald ReaganWashington DCJohn Hinckley Jr. fires six shots at Reagan, hitting him and three others – they survive.

Sep 1975: Gerald FordSan Francisco, CaliforniaSara Moore opens fires on Ford with revolver, just missing his head.

Sep 1975: Gerald FordSacramento, CaliforniaLynette Fromme, follower of cult leader Charles Manson, tries and fails to shoot Ford.

Jun 1968: Robert F. KennedyLos Angeles, CaliforniaSirhan Sirhan shoots and kills Kennedy as he campaigns in Democratic primaries.

Nov 1963: John F. KennedyDallas, TexasLee Harvey Oswald shoots and kills president in his motorcade – murdered two days later.

Oct 1912: Theodore RooseveltMilwaukee, WisconsinJohn Schrank

shoots former president who is saved by bullet hitting his speech notes and metal glasses case.

Sep 1901: William McKinleyBuffalo, New YorkLeon Czolgosz shoots president who later dies. Theodore Roosevelt ascends to presidency.

Jul 1881: James GarfieldWashington DCCharles Guiteau shoots president, who dies of his wounds two months later.

Apr 1865: Abraham LincolnWashington DCJohn Wilkes Booth shoots and kills president – himself later killed after two-week manhunt.

| dagblad suriname | Door: Redactie