• woensdag 12 February 2025
  • Het laatste nieuws uit Suriname


| unitednews | Door: Redactie

De diplomatieke missies van vijf Europese landen en de Verenigde Staten van Amerika hebben een verklaring gelanceerd in reactie op het vonnis in het 8 Decemberstrafproces. In de verklaring moedigen de landen Suriname aan om rechtsstaat in tact te houden en het vonnis te respecteren:

Common Statement on the 8 December Trials
From the Heads of Mission accredited to Suriname of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States

The Heads of Mission accredited to Suriname of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States have closely monitored the progress of the 8 December

Trials over the years. We appreciate the challenging circumstances under which the Military Court operates and commend the Court on reaching a verdict in the cases before the Civilian Chamber.

The trials have been instrumental in reconstructing the events and political context of December 8, 1982. The integrity and independence of the Judiciary is a pillar in Suriname society. It is critical that the final verdicts in the killing of 15 innocent citizens — whatever those verdicts may be after the appeals process is complete — are implemented and upheld in accordance with the rule of law.

Lastly, our thoughts go out

to all of the families and loved ones of those who have been a part of this tragedy. The verdict will undoubtedly prove instrumental in helping the nation move towards reconciliation”


| unitednews | Door: Redactie